You don’t know squat…

…or do you?

When I was younger, there were some mean kids on the block and on the very rare occasion that I made a mistake (ha!)…they would say “Bair, you don’t know SQUAT!!!”

In fact, they might have used another name that begins with S and ends with T…I Can’t remember (I guess cause I don’t know squat…)

It used to hurt my feelings…but I got over it and embarked on a journey to learn some Squat because…I couldn’t not know.

On my journey I was told by several people that “John, you are not built to do squat!” and not sure about you, but when someone tells me ‘I’m not built for it’…I have to find out for myself.

I tend not to let others opinions matter to me anymore….especially outweighing my own.

If every kid listened to their parents….well….

After learning from some amazing people over my years of training, that this movement is something we all should be able to do and not nearly enough of us do. I discovered we are losing this movement that we earned as a child and are giving it up in favor of couches and toilets and laziness, oh my!!

Squatting is our natural rest position and if you get tired of standing you should squat, and rest…not standing up when you get tired of squatting…

And so, I put together a visual and a little check list of some Squat and posted it on Facebook. (If you’re not on facebook I think you’ll still be able to see this…if not, create a ‘dummy’ profile and join the conversation)

Click Here to Learn (And be sure to ‘like’ the page for future updates of everything Bair Knuckle Strength)

Please leave a comment below and let me know how your Squat goes!!!

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