Know Your Body

Dear Friend,

To be honest, 9 out of 10 people are not a good fit here.

They’re nice people, but they don’t value their health enough to do the work to keep it.

People who are truly ready to change their lives and have ‘tried everything else’, know that deep down they haven’t looked in the mirror and faced themselves, yet.

It’s a Mindset thing.

The opposite is the person who says they’ve ‘tried’ ALL the other programs, pills, diets, fads, gurus, YouTube videos, and the like – and yet still don’t have the confidence, body, or life they want?!

They live in a state of quiet desperation, hoping things get better … and when they don’t, they tell the world ‘See, I triedIT didn’t work.’

Um, No …it’s probably more like YOU didn’t work …

You may have done everything you were asked to do (on the surface), but you didn’t look under the hood and truly take accountability for your actions after the fact, did you?

It’s not your fault you weren’t shown how to take care of your body.

So, of course you didn’t take accountability for it, or you wouldn’t be here looking for something, you’d have it.

Now, If you read down in an attempt to coax yourself into believing you were a 1 out of 10 that might fit here and I just ‘offended you’  are you really a 1 out of 10?

You wouldn’t come here to stay the same, would you?

We thought you would come here to *ACTUALLY* change …


Life, especially now, is quite challenging for everyone.

  • Maybe you have a job, or lost it during this shift in the way we live(d).
  • Maybe your parents or loved elders are at risk of viruses and disease.
  • Maybe your Mental Health is deteriorating and you’ve ‘tried all the drugs and therapy’, too.
  • Maybe your kids are having a really hard time with all the emotions swirling around and saying things that are alarming.
  • Maybe you don’t recognize their pain.

I didn’t recognize my brothers pain, and neither did our family, until it was too late.

Pain is inevitable in life, and by choosing to change your mind and body (it doesn’t work any other way) by undergoing rigorous exercise and lifestyle change, then you’re going to reap the rewards in other areas of your life.

Changing your body, physically, is NOT easy and there’s NO way to fluff that up.

People always ask us, “What’s the difference between you and the rest?” …

Let our students show you the answer …


We don’t want to work with you, if you don’t want to work.

Which is why we ask A LOT of questions up front to get to know you because we want this to be the right place for you, not just another place that fails you.

Too many gyms and facilities let everyone in and care nothing about anything except making money, which makes people think making money is more important than their health.

We will make money working with the 1’s – people who actually do care about their health and are willing to invest time and $$$ into the process.

We’re not looking to be ‘Pushers of Health’.

We’re not going to ‘Pull you to Wellness.’

We want to be Partners in Strength.

Because those are the kind of people who are still reading, like you, and are *possibly* more intrigued than ever, maybe even refreshed that someone is finally giving it to them straight.

All we can say is, you haven’t seen shit yet 😉

If you’re ready, click GET STARTED, and we’ll see you inside!

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