Know Your Purpose

Dear Friend,

You are the sum total of your life’s choices.

Are you happy with them?

Those choices have created your belief system.

You know … “Whether you think you can …”, or not.

There are 5 Primary Drivers in Life that determine our results.

We create Beliefs based off the meaning we give our life experiences, ALL OF THEM.

Our Beliefs dictate our Thoughts on a moment to moment basis.

Those Thoughts create chemical reactions in the body, good or bad, that we call Feelings.

Feelings determine what Actions, or inaction, we take.

Those Actions, or lack of, ultimately leads to your Results.

If you want different Results, you need different Beliefs.

It’s that simple.

To do that, you’ll need to find evidence to support that new belief.

And you can’t create a new belief, if you don’t make a new decision, or choice.

How you operate right now, is based off decisions or choices you’ve made, consciously or not.

This is called your Mindset.

Definition of Mindset: the established set of attitudes held by someone.’

And if your Mindset is not aligned with what you *actually* want, you’ll continue to get the same results you’ve always gotten, over and over.

Sure, you may fool yourself for awhile by white-knuckling it and dropping a few pounds, or building some strength, but eventually you will sabotage your results because your sub-conscious belief is not aligned with your conscious want.

People say they want to lose weight, build muscle and look better naked ALL … THE … TIME!

Makes you wonder why the world isn’t filled with ripped cover models, right?!

Well, it’s actually quite simple, that is, if you’ve got the right Mindset.

Those who think they can, do.

Those who think they can’t, don’t.

If you really think and believe you can, deep down, then you’ll take the necessary actions to reach your Fitness and Nutrition Goals.

If you don’t really think and believe you can, deep down, then No Fitness or Nutrition Program WILL EVER work for you, because you don’t *sub-consciously* believe it will.

That’s why Mindset Coaching is so powerful, and necessary.

Before Your Body Can Change, Your Mind Must!

When you understand why you take certain actions, and not the ones you say you want, that’s where the real magic happens.

Every decision or action we take, is to meet one of the 6 Universal Human Needs ….

  1. Certainty – Helps us avoid pain and gain pleasure
  2. Uncertainty – Allows for variation and adventure
  3. Significance – We want to feel unique, special and needed
  4. Connection/Love – We want connection with others and we all strive for love
  5. Growth – If we aren’t growing, we’re dying
  6. Contribution – We all want to contribute beyond ourselves, to help others

The person who overeats is attempting to use food to meet one or all of those needs above.

The same for the person who is addicted to drugs, or work, or drama, or anger, or manipulation, or (fill in the blank).


When you know what need you’re attempting to meet in a way that’s not serving you, then you can consciously make better choices to meet your needs in ways that align with your new beliefs.

Example, a person might overeat because they feel out of control emotionally and eating gives them something certain to focus on, some pleasure in the moment.

Eating also can be adventurous if you try all the different types of foods out there.

When you feed yourself you feel significant, like you’re taking care of yourself.

Which also gives you connection.

You may even love the food too, or at least, love what it’s giving you momentarily.

Your waistline will have significant growth if you eat.

And that will help you contribute to your Doctor’s Yacht fund every time you visit, because you’re unhealthy.

Do you see how someone could make a choice to believe that food has been meeting all their needs?

This is what we must unravel for those who historically ‘get in their own way’.

These folks often *think* that getting fit and losing weight will make them ‘feel’ better.

And they’re not wrong, but that doesn’t change their beliefs.

It’s not enough to sustain them when shit hits the fan and ‘life gets in the way’.

When things get hard, what is the reason that is so big, YOUR WHY, that you’ll never give up on your goals?

When your WHY is big enough, it doesn’t matter if a Pandemic hits or you get a little sick, you will still succeed because you’ll know WHY you’re doing it in the first place, and you won’t give up, you’ll lean in harder.

When people ask me WHY I Coach Mindset and insist on people improving theirs, it’s simply because my poor mindset was a direct contributor to losing my brother Tony to suicide, and I don’t ever want to be that person, in that position, again.

That means when things get hard for me, I’m reminded of losing my brother and that thought does not allow me to sabotage myself anymore like it used to, because other people now depend on me and I can’t let them down, like I let him down.

That’s heavy, and deep, I know.

But do you see now what I mean?

That’s what’s driving me, my WHY.

And deep down inside, there’s something driving you, too, your WHY.

I’m here to Challenge Your Thinking and say things to you that most others would dare not, in order to really understand WHY you do what you do.

You won’t get a ‘yes man’ here.

Because I care enough about you, and humanity, to not let you continue to sabotage yourself.

We need you healthy, empowered and living your best life.

If you’re seriously ready to Change Your Mindset, we can get you there, like these folks here …

He will make you own your shit…

I’ve been on a roller coaster journey to lose weight and get healthy. I’ve found things that worked, but I never stuck with them. Two weeks ago I joined a keto challenge with the goal of losing 10 lbs. When I stepped on the scale the last morning I was excited to see what my final weight would be! The number posted reflected a loss of only 8.2 lbs. And just like that I was deflated. Disappointment, self-doubt and some anger were all swirling around. What had happened?! How did I lose 6.8 lbs the first week, but only 1.4 lbs during week two?

I spent that morning trying to figure it out. I questioned what I ate (followed the meal plan without deviation), what I drank (tons of water), the workouts I did (mostly modified challenge workouts with a few days walking and a few missed workouts). Had I tried hard enough? Had I really stuck to the meal plan EXACTLY AS WRITTEN? All of this ran through my mind as I was at work. That afternoon I received a call from John that made me stop the questioning and analyzing and negative talk that had been going on internally all morning. With 2 simple questions he was able to switch my mindset.

Instead of the negative “I only lost 8.2 lbs” and “I didn’t lose the 10+ lbs I was hoping for” he helped me reframe it into “wow, look what I did! I lost 8.2 lbs in 14 days”. He made me realize that I would never let a friend be down for not hitting their goal, and instead I would be encouraging them to celebrate what they DID accomplish, so why was I treating myself differently?

With a third question, John shed light on the “what went wrong” in week two vs week one. Had I been getting at least 6 hours of sleep each night? And the answer was no. During week two I was getting up at 4 am every day so I could drive to our plant 1.5 hours away. When I got home I was either working out or house hunting. Several nights I ate dinner (to plan) at 8 pm or later, which then led to being in bed at 11 pm or later. And there was maybe 1-2 days where I actually got 6 hours of sleep with the others being only 4-5. Week one was completely different. I had been in training all week which meant being in the office by 8 am (getting up 6-6:30) and being home by 5 pm. Workouts were mostly done by 6:30 pm with dinner complete by 7:15 at the latest. Most nights I was in bed by 10 pm. John made me see that I hadn’t done anything wrong, instead, life got in the way.

In the past I would have let the “failure to meet my goal” continue to weigh on me and subconsciously beat myself up. I would have questioned why I’m doing this if I’m not seeing the results I expect. And I would have let the disappointment feed into my fear that I’m never going to get where I want to be and I would “fall of the rails” and gain it all back until the next challenge.

So what’s different this time? In one word, John. You see, several weeks back I responded to an email from him about consistency. That first email led to several more followed by a long phone call that made me realize that I needed help to identify and deal with my shit so that I could make a permanent mindset change allowing me to put an end to negative self-talk, to falling off the rails and spiraling out of control, to fearing “what happens if I’m successful or if I’m not”, to fearing if “am I enough, or am I good enough”, to being afraid of letting other people down, and and relying heavily on others for accountability (for fear of disappointing them) and using challenges to stay on track.

In the last 3 weeks of working with John, I’ve made progress (baby steps) in changing my mindset. He has helped me realize that I not only need to identify and deal with my shit, but that in order to break the cycle of break the cycle, and end the ups and downs, I need to understand my real reasons for wanting to lose weight, get healthy and be fit. Because until I know my WHY, I will always struggle to make the right/tough choices that will get me to my goals. Why am I doing this? Why am I wanting to get healthy and fit (and how do I personally define fit)? Why? Such a small word, but such a powerful and difficult one to define. With John by my side guiding, challenging and supporting me, I can’t fail.

I can’t recommend John enough if you are struggling. He understands it’s not easy, but he will support you every step of the way. He will challenge you to get real and deal with the hard shit, but he also senses when to back off because you aren’t ready to go there yet. John is very passionate about helping you find and bring out the real you, so that you can live the life you want and deserve.

By Deb Kroll/ Lake Orion, MI, USA


So you see, I’ve sat with my uncomfortable truth and come out the other side of the fire, offering buckets of water to those who are still consumed in their own flames.

It means I can sit in your fire with you, as you douse your flames.

There are no other coaches willing to go as deep as I have, I’ve looked.

And you can’t take a person deeper than you’ve ever gone yourself.

So, rest assured that there’s nothing you’ve gone through, or a range of emotions you’ve felt, that I haven’t experienced or don’t understand on the most visceral of levels, as well.

You’re not alone with your pain.

  • I’ve been diagnosed with Severe Depression, at age 8.
  • I’ve been abused emotionally and physically.
  • I’ve been through parents divorce.
  • I’ve been on a Championship Football team.
  • I’ve been over 260lbs.
  • I’ve been able to kick anti-depressants.
  • I’ve been able to lose and keep off over 80lbs.
  • I’ve been through both parents having heart surgery.
  • I’ve been through relationships that were extremely painful.
  • I’ve been through Psychedelic Journeys to heal.
  • I’ve been through major surgeries.
  • I’ve been able to find purpose after losing my brother to suicide and cousin to Muscular Dystrophy.

I don’t say these things to brag … no no.

I’ve been though so much more, it’s just, you don’t have time to read it all …

In fact, I wrote a book about what I’ve been through, so if you want to know more about me, or understand How I can actually help you, it might help to understand where I came from, and you can do that here – GRAB MY BOOK.

The question is, do you want someone to Challenge Your Thinking?

Most get ‘offended’ by the truth, but that’s all you’ll get here.

If you have the constitution of a leaf, this may not be for you.

This is ONLY for those who are ready for an EXTRAORDINARY LIFE!

One where they write the script and act out the details, not become an extra in someone else’s story.

Is that You?

Click GET STARTED and we’ll see 😉

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