Today I’m eating some pecans and sipping a tall glass of water as I type this.
What are you snacking on? Drinking?
If you’ve been here for any length of time, or even not, I have 1 exercise that I repeatedly fall back on as my ‘favorite’, because if I could only teach one exercise, it would be this one.
Any Guesses?
It’s as close as you can get to a one stop shop, even though there are many great exercises which you should get to eventually.
Ok, Ok…It’s called the Turkish Get Up.
As simply as I can put it, you Get Up off the floor and back down in a coordinated sequence, which promotes mobility in the shoulders and hips, while simultaneously creating stability in the same places and it’s one of, if not the best, abdominal exercise you can do, along with being a total body strengthener!
It glues the body together and if one side is harder or way different than the other, it addresses those asymmetries. Do more on the harder side.
The video you’re about to watch is a special variety of the Get – Up, meaning, the same, but different. It’s also a lot of fun once you get the brain and the body aligned, in harmony.
And for those who are new to the Turkish Get Up, watch the video below first please and add the Crossover Step Later
Take your time and don’t rush any of these movements. In the end you will be rewarded with a body that functions better and is in optimal alignment, provided you are orthopedicaly sound!
Let me know how it goes?
Just know that I Love you and am here to help you through it 😉