This time last year …

I’d like to Thank You for taking the time to read these posts and for being a valuable member of our growing BADASS Community!

This has been the BEST year of my life and I’d like to share with you.

Many of you know about the darkness and tough circumstances I had to navigate as a child … if not, happy to share if you reply (what do you wanna know?)

That’s not what this post is about.

I FAILED many times this year, and many things I wanted to do, or get done, did not happen.

However, I learned and can apply these failures to the new lessons of 2019.

I started 2018, in Vancouver, British Columbia, on vacation, visiting a friend!

This year, I was forbidden to lift weights as I rehabbed a shoulder injury, over 20 years old, with prolo-therapy (injections)… that was tough to not exercise how I wanted, which forced me to re-evaluate why I exercised and lifted weights in the first place.

In February, I was fortunate enough to go the Super Bowl and watch the Philadelphia Eagles defeat the New England Patriots.

That alone, was worth the entire year, because of what it meant to me. (It was a tipping point)

In the end of March, I joined a Business Coaching and Mastermind program, called the Ideal Business Academy, to help me build the business I wanted.

In April, I took my first drive to Kentucky to attend one of those IBA live meetings.

In May, I was contacted by someone who needed my services in a Life-Coaching capacity, not fitness, which was a HUGE shift for me. (I learned that people want more than just to sweat, and I can serve)

June brought a couple tough spots, as I realized I needed to do some things differently, If I wanted a better business later, and so, I hit the brakes on stupid crap that wasn’t serving me.

July saw me take my first trip to Chicago (amazing place), for another Mastermind, and also the Perform Better summit, where I learned so much over those 5 days.

August was a life-changer … I wrote a book, and LOVED the entire process.

September was editing the book, getting it ready for print and doing a video shoot for the business, which was amazing. Oh, and I moved to Philly, with my girlfriend, Jackie.

October was finishing book stuff, went to Kentucky again and then transitioning to a BETTER and simpler website, have you seen the updates (CLICK HERE)???

October was also the start of implementing a new, simpler software (that you get these emails from – aren’t they purdy?) and all of November was doing this back-end techy work to help the business run smooth.

November 15 was also my birthday, where I ate a whole pumpkin pie that day, which Sarah made me … it was glorious!

December saw me go back to Kentucky in order to plan for my next BEST year ever, and put the finishing touches on our NEW Schedule, where we will be offering over 20 scheduled options AND finally have implemented the complete program I’ve been dreaming of since I started this business.

We will be able to serve anyone from post physical therapy, to the person who wants to Deadlift 600lbs, do 1 arm pullups, and everything in between.

That’s what makes happiest.

We have the only program available, where you can actually Get Healthy, and not just sweaty (or injured).

And so, this brings me to my final project of 2018 … and it’s a project I created for you.

It’s a snapshot of everything I went through this past year.

We’re calling it: Project: Get Healthy

It’s a total immersion program where you get COMPLETE access to our entire schedule (Which is Updated – CLICK HERE)

If you’re ready to Get Healthy, please click below!


Be Well – John

Changing the way Life is done.

Mindset. Fitness. Nutrition.

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