When and How to Eat

It seems the quick and easy to use theme has been appreciated in our blogs lately.

So, here is a quick reference chart that will tell you: When and How to Eat for Optimal Health/Nutrition.

This chart will break down all the types of foods, and when/how/if you should eat them.

And it what quantities, etc.

I got a bulk of this info from my friends at Precision Nutrition.

You can also grab over 100 FREE recipes that use this style of eating: CLICK HERE

Here we go …

Food Timing


  • Food Type: Protein dense foods
  • Food Timing: With each meal
  • Food Amount: 1 serving for women (size of palm), 2 servings for men (size of 2 palms)
  • Examples: Chicken, Lean Beef, Turkey, Pork, Eggs, Protein Powder

Fats: Saturated

  • Timing: No specific timing (except NOT after a training session)
  • Amount: 1/3 of intake
  • Examples: Animal Fats (eggs, dairy, meats, butter, cheeses, etc.) Coconut Oil, Palm oil

Fats: Monounsaturated

  • Timing: No specific timing  (except NOT after a training session)
  • Amount: 1/3 of intake
  • Examples: Macadamias, pecans, almonds, cashews, pistachios, tahini, pumpkin seeds, hazelnuts, olive oil, avocado

Fats: Polyunsaturated

  • Timing: No specific timing  (except NOT after a training session)
  • Amount: 1/3 of intake
  • Examples: Fish oil, hemp seeds, algae oils, sunflower seeds, walnuts, flax seeds, flax oil, chia seeds, Brazil nuts

Carbohydrates for Fat Loss and Muscle Gain – Exercise Recovery Drink (use sparingly)

  • Food Timing (For muscle gain): During and after exercise
  • Food Timing (For fat loss): During exercise only
  • Examples: Sugary, Protein Rich recovery Drinks

Carbohydrates for Fat Loss and Muscle Gain – Simple Sugars and highly processed starches

  • (Eat occasionally/rarely and only during 3 hours after exercise)
  • Food Timing (For muscle gain): Immediately after exercise, if at all
  • Food Timing (For Fat Loss): Minimize Intake
  • Examples: Sugary Sports Drinks, Breakfast Cereals, Soda, Fruit juice, Table Sugar, Sugary desserts, Ice cream, Muffins, Bagels, Other carbohydrate rich snacks

Carbohydrates for Fat Loss and Muscle Gain – Whole Food Minimally Processed Starchy Carbohydrates or Carb Dense Vegetables

  • (Eat during the 3 hours after exercise)
  • Food Timing (For muscle gain): Eat Soon, within 3 hours after exercise
  • Food Timing (For fat Loss): Eat soon, within 1-2 hours after exercise Examples: Bread, Pasta, Rice, Potatoes, Oats, Cereal Grains

Carbohydrates for Fat Loss and Muscle Gain – Fruits and Vegetables

  • Food Timing (For muscle gain): Eaten with each meal
  • Food Timing (For fat Loss): Eaten with each meal (emphasis on veggies)
  • Spinach, Carrots, Tomatoes, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Apples, Oranges, Avocados, Berries

Fiber Rich Carbs

  • When: Eat often and any time, especially veggies
  • Examples: vegetables, broccoli, kales, spinach, carrots, tomatoes, celery, cucumber, zucchini, beets, bok choy, lettuce, collards, collards, radish, onion, watercress, etc.) Peas, most fruit

Eating Guidelines

  1. Meals higher in carbohydrates should likely be lower in fat and vice versa. So if eating higher carbohydrate post exercise meal, fat intake would be lower. Conversely, with a higher fat meal outside the workout window the carb portion should be relatively smaller
  2. If you have good carbohydrate tolerance and are looking to gain weight than you can consume carbs throughout the day
  3. For those consuming less overall food and/or consuming a plant based diet, getting more fat from whole food sources like (olives, nuts, seeds) instead of refined sources (olive oil, nut oil, seed oil) will provide more protein and fiber

Does this make it easier?

Be Well – John

Changing the way Life is done.

Mindset. Fitness. Nutrition.


P.S. Here are 4 more ways you can become happier and healthier:

1. Podcasts

Some of the greatest insights and healing for me, have come from listening to podcasts in the last few years. This long-form type of communication, I’ve found, has been extremely important for understanding context, while learning how to make sustainable change.

That’s why I have started to find ways to get our story on some podcasts, and give you an opportunity to really go deep with us, and see what we’re all about. That way, you can decide if this tribe fits your personality. Click the link below to go to our podcast page, where you can find all our episodes!

Click Here To LISTEN 

2. Rise 

Rise is the story of ‘never feeling powerful … to … never feeling powerless’. It’s about John Bair’s life, why he does what he does and how his suffering created happiness.

This handwritten book takes you through an intimate, yet, self-revealing journey, which allows you to implant yourself into the story, as it relates to your own, and reveal the steps you’ll need to take, in order to make change a successful reality.


Click Here To Get Your FREE Copy

3. Join our BADASS Community on Facebook

We want to work with and be around as many BADASS people as possible. Folks who might forget how BADASS they are and just need the space to remember.

So, we started a FREE group on Facebook called BADASS, which is our own private community where we go deeper into what we do at Bair Knuckle Strength.

The truth is, it makes the world a happier, safer, more enjoyable place when you love your BADASS self.

If you’re ready to see what we do, just CLICK HERE!

4. Fitness Scorecard

Have you gone through the Fitness Scorecard yet?

Confused where to start, or what to do next with your health and fitness journey?

Well, step 1 is to understand where you currently score across the 8 Fitness Indicators.

Start your journey toward your personal fitness breakthrough by completing your Fitness Scorecard Today: CLICK HERE