Frequently Asked Questions

Can I bring a friend?
  • Absolutely
  • Actually, we’ve found that beginners that start with a friend tend to get better results, faster
  • There’s something to be said for having a person in class who can motivate you because they know you so well
Can I drop in to class?
  • Group classes require an on-going subscription
Can I just buy some classes?
  • You may purchase single Private and Semi-Private Sessions, but NOT Classes
  • We’ve found those who subscribe to Classes get the BEST results because they are here
  • If you’re serious, then our subscription program will not be an issue, as you will get more than you wanted
Can you train kids?
  • The short answer is, Yes!
Do I need any prior weight lifting experience?
  • No, you do not
  • Our individualized classes are completely progressive – meaning we teach you everything you need to know to safely move without pain and effectively train with weights: whether bodyweight, kettlebells, sandbags or more
  • We take great pride in being a “movement first” based system – meaning our first priority is safety and to help you develop excellent form
  • Most people who start our classes have never touched a weight or were previously injured and want to be safe while lifting weights and living life stronger
Do I need to bring my own weights?
  • Nope
  • Bair Knuckle Strength is fully equipped with all of the equipment you will need – including the best kettlebells, sandbags and weights that money can buy
  • All you need to bring is yourself and a positive attitude
Do you offer discounts?
  • If you sign up for a 12 month agreement (billed monthly) you receive a discounted rate
How big are classes and sessions?
  • Group classes range from 5 – 15 people and will NEVER be bigger than that
  • Semi-Privates range from 2 -4 people
  • Privates are always 1, unless you want a friend or guest
How does pricing work?
  • Monthly billing
  • Month to Month billing
  • 12 Month Subscription (billed monthly)
How much does it cost?
  • The price is different for everyone
  • It depends on what YOU really want
  • If you’re NOT an asshole, you’ll get our best prices
  • If you’re an asshole, we might not let you join (or double your price)
  • GET STARTED if you *think* you ARE ready
How will BKS help me look better, feel better AND be all around healthier?
  • The first step is to get to know you and find out if we can help
  • From there we can determine a course of action
  • Once we know exactly where you are, we can build a map that is individual to you
  • Then it’s up to you
I’ve tried group classes before, how is BKS different?
  • Most programs have a one size fits all approach where the instructor just ‘leads’ the class through the paces without emphasizing form or safety
  • It’s almost impossible to get results that way, which is why we cater to the individual needs of each and every person who walks in our doors with an orientation
  • Even in a group setting, we can have a complete beginner next to an advanced trainee and everyone can be challenged appropriately
  • Everyone will be shown exactly what they need to do
  • Our training system offers and enables a blended approach of group and personal training by allowing you to pick the price level and approach that works best for you
What ‘stuff’ do you do in class?
  • Movement Prep
  • Core/Ab Exercises
  • Power Exercises
  • Strength Exercises
  • Conditioning/Cardio Exercises
  • Cool Down
  • Stretching
What ‘stuff’ do you use in class?
  • Functional Movement
  • Resistance Training
  • Calisthenics
  • Band Training
  • Kettlebell Training
  • Sandbag Training
  • Cardio = Lifting Weights Faster
  • Performance Breathing
  • Mobility
  • Flexibility
  • Stretching
What am I getting as part of my membership?
  • You are going to get the attention and support you need to make change
  • From nutrition support to recovery protocols and lifestyle management strategies – You are going to look better, feel better and function better, very rapidly
  • You will have a coach, helping you every step of the way, not a glorified babysitter
  • You will also receive a Welcome Pack that has nutrition guidelines, recovery protocols, training recommendations and more
  • You will receive accountability to keep you on track, support for the tough times, direction as to what step to take, and guidance picking your exercises to do, what/when/how to eat for your goal, what to do when you’re not here and most importantly, you will receive unwavering kindness from our community throughout the process because not everyone wants the same goal, and your goal is just as important as the person next to you
  • It’s not all physical and so, we will address your mindset and navigate the ups and downs life can throw at you by managing your workout intensity based on what’s actually going on in your life
  • The program can and should bend to what you need, not be so rigid that you can’t progress
  • You are getting the best physical education you can buy
  • The learning never stops here, and we are always looking to find exactly the right answer for you
What are the differences between your offerings?
  • Restorative Classes are designed to help you move without pain, and we have ‘rehabbers’ who do these exclusively, or students who attend on their off days from Group Class
  • Group Classes are designed as a Total Body Experience to help you get it all done in an hour or less, and we recommend at least 2 – 4 sessions a week
  • Semi-Private Sessions are more specialized and Individualized to a specific need the student has
  • Private Sessions are completely tailored to what you want to accomplish and many students use them as a ‘tune-up’
  • Distance Coaching is for folks who like our approach, but can’t be here all the time, and so they check in once a month or so, we build the program and support from a distance
  • Online Coaching is for those who aren’t in our vicinity, but still want to get the same benefits as our in house students
  • Life Coaching is for people who ‘feel stuck’ and ‘wish they could change’ but don’t know how, and it can be done: in person, on the phone, Skype or other form of communication deemed appropriate
  • Nutrition Coaching is for those who want to dive deeper into their habits and optimize their energy
What do you offer?
  • Restorative Classes
  • Group Classes
  • Semi-Private Sessions
  • Private Sessions
  • Distance Coaching
  • Online Coaching
  • Life Coaching
  • Nutrition Coaching
What happens when I go on vacation, or bad weather happens, etc.?
  • Your subscription price is based on 4 weeks a month, for 12 months a year – which is 48 weeks total
  • There are 52 weeks in a year, meaning, you could miss up to a month, without ever losing any value for what you’re paying for
  • You’re getting a free month, essentially, Make sense?
  • One of our coaches will help you with a program when you’re away – No cost, Just part of the value of our program
  • Members who go month to month can freeze their account at any time
  • If you are on a yearly subscription and will be away longer than a month, we will freeze your subscription
  • Here’s the bottom line: if you want to work with us, we want to work with you – and we can help you from anywhere
What if i’m REALLY out of shape?
  • When you join our program you become a part of something much greater than just a workout program
  • You become part of an incredibly supportive and encouraging community
  • We have helped, literally, people of all shapes and sizes get into the best shape of their life
  • Our system is progressive and will work for ANYONE who commits to it
  • You will never be expected to do more than what you are currently capable of, and unlike most other group fitness classes you will never feel embarrassed or left behind
Where is Bair Knuckle Strength located?
  • Bair Knuckle Strength is located at: 455 South Bethlehem Pike, Fort Washington, PA
  • (across the street from Zakes Cafe)

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