It’s really nice to share with you whenever I have something I feel might be useful to help you get healthier.
I respect your time and want to give you valuable content that is simple to use and understand. (Feel free to request something you need by commenting below)
I know some of my posts can be long, as I want to give as much as I can, but today’s is about keeping it simple and doing more, with less.
Another way to look at it is the 80/20 rule (Pareto’s Principle), which states that 80% of the results come from 20% of the actions. (i.e. 80% of the income comes from 20% of the clients)
So, today we’re going to focus on that 20% that gives us 80% of the results you’ve been looking for to get healthier now!
- Every morning before you get out of bed, take 30-50 deep, slow, full belly breaths and exhale fully
- Do the same on your way to work
- At Lunch
- Before Dinner
- Before Bed
The Nutritional 20%
- Eat 1-2 palm sized portions of Protein every meal (up to 100 grams a day or more)
- Eat a lot of Veggies (at every meal, and as snacks)
- Eat GOOD Fats (1-2 thumbnails at every meal except post workout)
- Carbohydrate Dense Veggies (eat less than 100 grams a day)
- If you weigh 200lbs drink at least 100oz of water a day (adjust to your weight)
- If you have ravenous belly hunger eat more protein
- If your cognitive functions are slow, eat some fat and drink a glass of water
- If you still have slow cognitive functions 10 minutes later, eat some good carbs
The Physical 20%
- 7 days a week – MOVE
- 2-4 days a week – Strength Train
- 1 day week – Go Hard
- If you’re injured, you can still do something
- If you’re hurt (sore, tired), modify accordingly but do not do nothing
The Mental 20%
- ‘Show Up’ for every commitment you have made (appointment, outing, session with your trainer)
- Stay open when opportunity knocks
- Knowledge is nothing without application – go DO it!
- Get a Coach who has helped people get the results you want, so they can help you do the same
The Recovery 20%
- Sleep at least 7-8 hours a night
- Take Magnesium (Glycinate or Threonate) at least on days you Strength Train
- Epsom salt baths combat soreness
- For every 10 hours of training, get a massage (Or spend some time on a foam roller, though not nearly as effective as deep breathing)
- ‘Off’ days’ need to be OFF, do not overwork on those days, rest instead
There is more, but if you focus on only the things above, I GUARANTEE your health will sky rocket, without going down a rabbit hole to get there.
Pick one thing on the list (The thing that stuck out the most to you and do it better, start now!) and when it’s a habit, do another and then another!
Please share with me what you’re working on and letting me know what content you find helpful and useful by commenting 🙂
Enjoy your Spring weather!!
This is SPOT ON.
Although I don’t train with John, I do highly value his input and not only do I consider him one of my good friends, but I consider him one of my life coaches as well.
I will get his feedback and his input on training, nutrition, and everyday life in general.
Again.. This is GOOD STUFF right here
I’ve mentioned it a million times before, but again CONGRATS on winning the “Best of MONTCO”, and anything I can do to help you reach and exceed higher goals, just let me know!!
Get After It, Mr. Bair!!!
Thanks for the comment Matt and for the Congratulations…We appreciate all your votes here 🙂