My Psychedelic Experience

Telling people that my Psychedelic Experience with Ayahuasca was very healing, might be too far of a leap for them to believe it could help with their issues – which is why I’m giving you this peak inside my brain during the process because I believe context is crucial.

Most people are worn to the bone, scared shitless and deathly afraid of any change, even if they intellectualize with you to the contrary. Skittish creatures, like animals that have been beaten until broken and conditioned, as in the elephant who will not break the rope. They look like owls on crack, eyes wide open – high alert!

Ironically, they won’t look you in the eye much, because they don’t have experience with the emotions that arise with that level of intimacy. They can’t produce words for things they cannot, or will not process, because they have no emotional vocabulary.

Vulnerability is something many believe is weakness. It leaves them feeling queasy when faced with ‘your shit’, or their own, because they weren’t taught how to deal with it without losing themselves. In truth, they want to be able to show you their true colors, but are afraid of being judged, looking stupid, feeling dumb, or worse. So, they self-sabotage themselves and their success instead.

Some of these sad sacks will eat to find comfort. Others take drugs or drink alcohol. Some have a religion. Some bully people with words or status. Some become activists.  Some hurt themselves, if you get the drift. Some hurt others. Some do both. But none of them, face themselves.

They resemble a weeping willow when they walk. The base collapses in on itself as if the weight of the mind is too heavy for the body to hold. The head sags down while the chin pokes forward, the neck cranes over a concave chest, producing a rounded upper humpback of notre dame and the belly protrudes as they shuffle along meekly, looking fragile before their time.

In my line of work, I see the extremes of people who feel unworthy unless they bury themselves in fitness by beating the shit out of their bodies, thinking that they’re ‘exercising those demons’. Or, they have been so conditioned by their past that they cannot exert themselves one iota and must be ‘watered’ like a flower in order to bloom, teaching them how to find power in their physicality.

The point is, we all have trauma from our past which usually manifests itself in ways we’re unaware of until those behaviors start to threaten your health, or someone else’s, while keeping you from living your best life. You start noticing when shit starts ‘going wrong’.

It’s imperative to untangle this web of pain and find the ingredients to your ‘emotional gumbo’, so you can really understand why you do what you do and when. Until you do that, you’ll always be living out an imagined story that your brain wrote about your conditioned childhood and what happened in your past, instead of you living out your real purpose, or actual truth here in this life.

Over the last 9 months I’d heard about this phenomenon where high-performing individuals and everyday people were going beyond the scope of religion, pharmaceuticals and meditation, to help them heal and gain insight into their own psyche, with the hopes of breaking out of a current predicament. Many want to move forward in life without pain, depression, anxiety, emotional trauma, mental illness, anger and more, you name it.

What they’ve been doing takes courage and the understanding that this is not the ‘magic pill’, because this is not something that you take and the pain ‘just goes away’. No no, they have been partaking in ritualistic plant medicine ceremonies using a substance called Ayahuasca; a tropical vine native to the Amazon region noted for its hallucinogenic properties.

I had heard of ‘Magic Mushrooms’, Extasy Pills, Acid and LSD before, but never Ayahuasca. The truth is, even though I thought I was tough, psychedelic substances always scared me. I never wanted to be ‘that’ out of control or surrender myself on any level. I was afraid of letting go, because I didn’t know what would happen, or what I might have to feel.

Growing up was traumatic, and for a long time I attempted to numb that away with food, marijuana, and then harder stuff like opiates, pills or cocaine. After my brother died by suicide and my cousin passed from muscular dystrophy a year later, I felt completely untethered and alone.

Emotions swarmed over me and I couldn’t control anything. It was as if I’d been thrown into the middle of the ocean in a little dinghy, forced to watch in horror as the perfect storm unfurled, hoping desperately not to drown in my own suffering. The waves have subsided in intensity a little over the years, as I’ve started to do the work surrounding why it was so hard in the first place.

I’ve learned that there really is no handbook to life and no amount of religious texts or self-help books can change that, because everyone’s experience is uniquely their own. And so, we must learn to create a navigating system to live life that is uniquely our own, which might include religion, or not. Not the one installed ‘for us’ by others during our upbringing, no matter how well intentioned it may have been.

Don’t get me wrong, the religious doctrines and guru books can give you a sense of growth or help ‘steer the ship’ so to speak. However, you learned programming in your childhood, from your village of elders and unless you’ve lived a conscious life, the bulk of the actions you’ve taken to this point have been mostly theirs, not yours. The cool part is you’re not responsible for that, you’re only responsible for healing the pain from it. You can learn to ‘re-parent’ yourself and give yourself the love and emotional tools you need to move forward in your adult life.

Dealing with pain and healing our own wounds was not in the curriculum anywhere as we were growing up. In fact, many go through life and are conditioned to live horribly, masking wounds instead because they don’t understand the intricacies of loving themselves and stepping into their own power. Rather, they go on feeling as if they are a yo-yo that is controlled by other’s thoughts, comments, and behaviors.

The reason people falter here is because they don’t realize it’s not their fault that something happened to them, or that someone hurt them. The ability to emotionally regulate and rise above traumatic sub-conscious patterning isn’t given to you, it’s learned. And if you have no model for it, you don’t learn.

These people have come to believe that those ‘bad things’ happened because they somehow deserved it and are ‘destined to suffer’. When your model of the world doesn’t match your current situation is when suffering occurs, unless you empower yourself to change it.

As I’ve learned throughout my own healing journey, you absolutely have the power to change everything – if you’re willing to do the work and face yourself. That deep, emotional, scary, dark work of digging into your thoughts, digging into your behaviors and truly understanding the genesis of them.

Then, those insights must be integrated daily, on a conscious level, until they become habit and you are headed in the direction of your purpose. For me, unlearning the old patterning was like stopping 2 speeding trains going 1000 miles an hour in the opposite direction, pulling me from my truth. The goal is to get those trains chugging along together, pulling you towards your destiny, rather than pulling you from it. Those ‘trains’ were my head and my heart.

Everything I’ve done in the 12+ years that I lost my brother and my cousin has been to understand why I was in so much pain, and how to still move forward with life after realizing that I couldn’t put that toothpaste back in the tube.

Earlier this year a friend and student shared a podcast with me called London Real, because the guest, he said, “was saying things like you talk about, John”. I checked it out, really liked the long-form format and the host Brian Rose is a great interviewer, who asks spot-on questions while extracting deep answers from these interesting people. I love this kind of learning because I see how others think.

As I got into a few episodes, Brian talked about these ‘Plant Medicines’ with some of his guests and in one episode I first heard the word Ayahuasca. It didn’t register with me until Brian told his guest that he had been a heroin addict and after a couple Ayahuasca ceremonies he started to confront, heal and move forward from his past. That’s when my ears perked up because I’ve struggled mightily with depression and now PTSD, so I went to Google to see what Ayahuasca was.

Consequently, I started listening to a bunch of London Real and one week they released an episode with a professor of Psychedelics, which sounded fascinating. As I listened, it quite literally bent my beliefs about these substances because the professor, a man of academia, would not deny the profound psychological effects of psychedelics because, as he put it; “they’re so damn stunning”.

And because I believe in science and spirit, to hear someone of his ilk make a case for blending such things ever so slightly was sweet music for my aching heart. There are things that happen in the world that we cannot explain with just science, yet. That’s why it’s important to applaud our pioneers for taking those arrows, paving the road of innovation and success for others, like you and me.

You can watch that episode – CLICK HERE.

After watching, I was very interested to try Ayahuasca and started researching how that could even be possible. That’s when I came across a place just 2 hours away by plane and after many months of quiet deliberation, I decided to make it happen.

The cool part is, my business coach was having our quarterly mastermind meeting in the same city and I found out it was possible to go to that meeting, and then directly to a plant medicine ceremony across town. As it turned out, the weekend I would be away was also my birthday weekend, and it felt right to give myself this gift.

I knew it would concern those close to me and they voiced their opinions to let me know, which I knew came from love. Still, I was not deterred, as they knew I would not be. My mind was made up, and when that happens, shit gets done. I’m addicted to healing, and seeing others heal to.

Now, it may seem like I took the long road to get to the point of telling you the ‘why’ behind psychedelics for me. After all the years of exercising, self-medicating, therapy, self-help books, listening to others about religion and ‘trying them on myself’, podcasts, seminars, combing the internet for answers and so much more – I still didn’t feel ‘free’ in my mind … rather, I felt unstable, unsure and fake … hoping one day my depression would dissolve, because who was I to talk about health, if I had mental health issues?

Yet, I was ready and willing to ‘turn over any rock’ in order to dissolve my ego and see if it could help set me ‘free’ – and the risk did not outweigh the reward.

After flying down and finishing our mastermind that Friday around noon-ish, I planned for the week I was getting back. I knew over the next 48 hours I was going to be experiencing something for the first time and needed to be committed to that process. The whole point of coming was to do the deep work and push past sticking points to free myself from any self-limiting beliefs, not stress about work.

After the mastermind and before I went to the facility, I had a light vegetarian dinner. For several days leading up to the ceremonies I had to eat light, non-animal foods to get my body prepped for the journey ahead. A test because I love meat, however, that’s what was needed, and I wanted to get the most out of this. Basically, eating more plants allows the plant medicine to work for you and not against you.

After dinner, it was time to get across town, checked in and prepared for the first ceremony at 8 that night. I was dropped off at the Soul Quest Ayahuasca Church of Mother Earth, in Orlando Florida. That’s right, I joined a church … never thought I’d say that, neat!

You see, Ayahuasca is used at Soul Quest for sacrament purposes and they have an exemption letter from the DEA to do so. Ayahuasca is legal in the US, it won a supreme court ruling in 2006 for religious use. The plants used for Ayahuasca are legal, it’s the DMT, or psychedelic component, that is not legal.

Upon entering the building, which was a house on a large, long, spread out plot of land, I noticed it resembled a compound of sorts. Multiple kitchens, rooms for the volunteers and facilitators, plus out back there was a lot of room for 2 big tents with individual mats, some individual tent pods, and free standing structures that looked like little sheds but were converted into little private quarters with a bed and air conditioner. All in all, room for 40-ish people plus the helpers and lots of space.

I got checked in, shown to my spot in Tent 2 where I would be sleeping near 10 or so other people, and then started to walk around chatting with them. About 30 minutes before the medicine ceremony, there was a ceremonial smoke bath where we cleansed with burning sage, which clears the environment of negative energy to generate wisdom and clarity, and to promote healing. It really did smell wonderful and feel invigorating. Then it was off to the Maloka, or ‘jungle hut’, to begin our trip.

Before we’d even gotten to this point, one thing that was made very clear was that you needed to really set a healthy, positive intention before undertaking anything like this. If your mind was all over the place, or in a bad spot, you were almost guaranteed to have a ‘bad trip’ which could be even more traumatizing in that, while it may have been needed, it could have been less painful had you mentally prepared better for what you wanted out of it …

The thing with Ayahuasca is, you tend to get what you need more than what you want, and everyone has a different experience, every time. You can’t necessarily say the same about other drugs, because you pretty much do know what you’re going to get from most other things.

Given that this was many of our first experiences, we were made to start with the beginner dose of 1 tablespoon. And after 2 hours, if we still had not felt the effects, or could stand up, then you could take another booster shot of this brown, goopy, not so tasty, muddy looking liquid.

I took my first dose with everyone, and then we all went back to our area where we had our bedding. We were instructed to sit up for at least half an hour so that the medicine could works its way down, then we could lay down if we wanted to after. To be honest, I didn’t feel much of anything, so, after 2 hours passed, I went back for a booster. I sat up again for 30 minutes and still wasn’t feeling much of anything, so I laid down and closed my eyes for what felt like another 45 min to an hour.

After that, all I remember was shooting up out of bed like some poltergeist shit (my exact thought) and then I purged. Threw up in my little white trash can and kept going for a couple minutes, not much fun, especially if that’s tough for you emotionally, let alone physically.

However, I came to learn that everyone had different kinds of purging (crying, laughing, screaming, diarrhea, vomiting) and since I threw up, you could look at it as something coming unblocked from within, perhaps dietary, or more symbolic of something buried deep inside my psyche or soul.

Because Florida was a ‘little warmer’ than back home in Philly, but not much, I developed some stuffiness in my head. Sometimes going from cold to warm, or warm to cold does that to me. During the ceremony one of the healers would come by and offer us rapé, which is a ceremonial snuff powder made from ground tobacco and medicinal amazon plants, trees, seeds and leaves. It is blown up your nose, both nostrils, through a ceremonial pipe that to me almost looked like a bone, very shamanic.

I can tell you that it pretty much cleared my stuffiness up after I spit out a bunch of mucus and things it had unstuck. Rapé also brought an instant sense of clarity and calmness for me, while for others it induced purging, having the opposite effect for them.

During the trip I had felt something more of what I can describe as a ‘body high’ where the effects were felt mostly physically, as if I was still ‘driving at the wheel’ as opposed to Ayahuasca really ‘being in charge’ and leading the way, if that makes sense. I didn’t feel out of control or that I had necessarily ‘gotten what I was looking for’ which was to ‘be free mentally’. So, I went to bed, a little unsure about what to think, however, I knew better than to admit failure, or defeat, as that’s not what this was about.

The next morning, after listening to some other stories about people and their first time, one gentleman heard me say I hadn’t felt as much as others and that my trip was not ‘life-changing’. He asked me if I had worn a blindfold and ear plugs to block the distraction of others? I said no and he told me his first experience was like mine and that the second time around, he really focused on staying to himself and going inward, toward the things he wanted more of.

This man had an alcohol abuse issue and a narcotic use issue, both of which he was able to ‘get on the other side of’ after his Ayahuasca experience. The thing is, you can sit here and read this and go ‘Yea right, whatever, I don’t believe it’. I totally get that, however, if you could’ve seen the look of joy in his face, heard the relief in his voice and gotten the sense of hope he perpetuated, you would understand.

He felt hopeless before, and now he had hope. I could feel the unlocked truth, that energy permeated through me, and I knew he wasn’t telling fibs, this was real. So, I decided that I would wear earplugs and a mask for the 2nd ceremony in a few hours and relaxed inside as I wasn’t ‘allowed’ to eat breakfast, because it was very likely that whatever we ate would not have digested in time and might interfere.

My 2nd trip was under the trees in the Oak Grove, so we were in nature and closer to the ‘traditional type ceremony’ you may find in the Amazon … just not on Amazon, lol ;). We rolled out mats and blankets on the ground, our own little ‘space to journey’ and had the volunteers all around to help us. It was a day ceremony and since there would be one more ceremony that night, I took 2 tablespoons of Ayahuasca because there would be no booster shots during the day. Since 2 total shots had given me an effect the night before, that’s where I started again.

I put in my ear plugs and put on my eye mask, wrapped a blanket around myself and sat up. I was determined to stay inside and do work today. This time I purged very early in, around 20 minutes. This gave me an uneasy feeling because I didn’t think the medicine had enough time to take effect, and so, I could feel myself getting distracted and in my head a bit …

“Was this Ayahuasca’s plan? … To make me distracted and forget that it had been in me already and was working anyway, regardless of the amount?” This one kid was having a ‘bad trip’, like was getting loud and screaming he was cold, even though he had like 10 blankets on … I needed to move and reset, or his distraction would kick me out of my zone, and I got up to go to the bathroom.

When I came back, the facilitators were helping the kid move, and so, I just kind off hung out by the fence where one of the helpers was watching me, making sure I didn’t fall or hurt myself. I asked him if I could keep away from that dude because it was bugging me out and he pointed me back to my area under the Oak Grove. Before I went back, I waited as 3 grown ass men had to help this kid move to a new spot and he was fighting them the whole way. His strength was insane in that moment.

I remember sitting down and finding it hilarious. Everything, that is, was hilarious and I couldn’t stop giggling. I pulled the blankets over my head and laid back as I felt myself losing control. For the first time in my life, I had to really let go, not fight it, and allow those feelings of joy to surge through my body. I remember twitching and wiggling uncontrollably as I writhed on the ground with laughter. A grown ass wiggle-worm man, laying in the dirt, laughing uncontrollably. And that kept on for 3 or 4 hours straight.

I had never felt anything like that before in my adult life, and I can’t ever remember feeling like that as a kid. As a kid, everything felt heavy, tense and like it could explode at any second. The room for joy had been sucked out of life and zapped. To laugh like that again was a gift, and apparently, the thing I needed most, the breakthrough I desired.

How did I know? Well, as I was regaining control, because this time I did let go, I was administered another hit of rapé which solidified the experience. I felt warm, like I was being hugged. Thoughts of my brother, cousin, Jackie, Mom, Holly, my nephews, brother in law and all my peeps back home at BKS flooded my vision, but I still wasn’t sure. “Was I just supposed to laugh for a few hours? Where was all the hard shit I had to face?” …. All those kinds of thoughts racing through my head.

The gong sounded to end the ceremony after about 5 hours outside, and I as I turned around to pick up my mat, I saw these 2 little cherub boys in statue form, looking back at me. I hadn’t noticed the sculpture before I sat down and it immediately made me feel as if Tony, my brother, and Jimmy, my cousin, were right there with me, watching my back. It felt good and I was going to ride this wave through lunch, and see what Integration was all about.

The Integration period is where we could share our experiences, and this MUST be the absolute take away of this article for you all. It’s what you do with all this information that counts, not just ‘getting high’ on Ayahuasca and going back to the norm at home. You gotta be willing to do the work, so it was fitting that we sat around a heater because even in fucking Florida, it was cold, and we could see our breath … go figure. We weren’t even going to get nice weather and so everything about the weekend was challenging, as it should’ve been.

The facilitators asked who wanted to start and I raised my hand and shared with them what I shared here with you. To sum a lot of it up, I believe instead of being forced to deal with more conscious pain like I had my whole life, I was told to relax by Ayahuasca and enjoy being human again, getting to be a kid for once by letting go and having some joy. I couldn’t have forced anything even if I tried.

It was powerful to hear people’s stories of how they had gotten to the point of being there, and what they had gone through in their experiences. I felt so ‘bad’ because I had a seemingly way more fun experience with my laughing the whole time. I have learned however, not to compare, because everyone is at different stages and must be met where they are at.

There was an African-American woman who got 1 hour of sleep a night, worked 2 full time jobs, was addicted to cannabis and riddled with anxiety as a self-described ‘control freak’, who wanted to make things better for her kids.

A Caucasian woman who remembered details surrounding a childhood rape that occurred to her, and who had done it, which wasn’t who she had ‘thought it was’.

Another gentleman was a Native American and a former Army officer who concluded that he was trying to fix everybody else and wasn’t looking at his own shit. He cried.

A Muslim man shared his experience, along with an Asian man, a Jewish woman, and too many others to list here. It was all powerful and showed me that everybody had a WAY different experience. The stories I shared above just happened to really sink into my brain, not minimizing others.

After Integration there was a holotropic breath work ceremony, which was game-changing. This is a fast-paced style of rhythmic breathing and we did it in conjunction with very tribal-esque style of music, for over an hour. We were ‘warned’ that this could elicit very sudden, loud, and uncontrollable type urges to scream, cry or anything in between.

Indeed, within minutes I was shouting, screaming, yelling, chanting in rhythm with my breath, and it went on for over 40 minutes. Then a purge of tears poured from my face, snot bubbled from my sinuses and dripped out all over the Maloka floor and I couldn’t stop myself, nor did I want to. I was so in tune with where I was that again, I let go, surrendered, and let what was supposed to happen, happen. The more I tried to fight anything, the more I got the harsh reality of losing my breath and feeling like I was choking, which I hate, and it forced me to relax and calm down under pressure.

After about 15 minutes of crying, my muscles were twitching as I started to calm down as the music went from louder to softer. I was all screamed and snotted out at that point, however, feeling quite optimistic. I was ready to finish this thing and ‘light the fireworks’ as the Shamans had said to us, meaning, the last ceremony is where we could ‘go all in’ and take whatever amount of Ayahuasca we deemed necessary, with guidelines of course based off what you had already done previously.

For the 3rd ceremony, I was advised to get 3 tablespoons because I had taken 2 earlier in the day, 2 total the night before, and I was there to do work to push through the other side of my ‘shit’. So, I took the dose and within 30 minutes, it was back up.

Again, I was a little miffed, but this time, just rolled with it. I laid back down, covered my head and started to see some shit this time. Some cool red and yellowish fractal patterns and geometrical shapes that sort of seared into the periphery of my vision, even with my eyes closed. Then, as I started moving my eyes as they were closed, I saw this amazing ‘acid cat’ staring at me, unmenacingly ….it felt like ‘Eye of the Tiger’ and I was at ease.

The last ceremony also had the chance to get another booster shot if I was able to walk after 2 hours, and so I asked my facilitator Christopher, for some help. I told him I was determined to push through, and he got me on my feet, threw my arm around his back and walked me over to get 2 more tablespoons. There was no escaping any of it. I went all in, drank it up, and then threw it up 25 minutes later … and from that point, found myself exponentially curious about everyone else’s trip.

I felt as if my final trip was meant to serve their trips and I just wanted to watch what everyone was doing, while seeing if there was a way I could be of service. It felt similar to when I’m back home with my students, and I get them started in class, and then sit back to see what they might need and anticipate getting it to them before they need it, so they can keep moving forward.

It’s what the rest of the Shamans and volunteers had been doing for us all weekend long. I stayed up till like 3 am that morning, well past most. It was cold, I couldn’t sleep too well and was just wanting it to be time for my plane ride home later that afternoon. I did catch a few hours of sleep. Woke up the next morning, got all my stuff packed, showered and then we had a final integration period and the closing ceremony

I cannot stress enough the importance of the integration because as we learned, Ayahuasca is now in us, and all the insights we got over the weekend could continue to happen as our sub-conscious had sort of downloaded this experience. Over time, like crusted layers of the earth, things chip away, and new insights are gained – if you’re open and willing to do the work to receive the meaning behind them.

I saw men, women, white people, brown people, Asian people, Muslim people, Catholic people, Christian people, Jewish people, Native American people, not Native American people, Latino people, tattooed people, not-tattooed people, religious people, not religious people, all types of people (you get the point) and they were all there searching for higher healing, together.

That alone is the biggest take away for me. All those people embraced each other like brothers and sisters, with love. I mean straight up, people hugging each other like they were long lost lovers. True, unadulterated, genuine love. People from all of those walks of life, who had looked like Mike Tyson knocked them out every day, to walking out of there with looks of hope and empowerment on their faces, hugging each other, loving each other, and it’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.

This experience has unlocked something in me. Even now, I’m only about 6 weeks out from the experience as I finish this article, and I feel as if someone stuck a hose into my brain and pushed pressurized air through all my old thought patterns. Meaning, if I always used to think a certain way before my experience, now, all that patterning is gone. My brain, which used to feel ‘heavy’, now feels light and my thoughts flow like water, where before they would get ‘stuck on the banks’.

I would not have gotten here had I not made the decision over 12 years ago, after losing Tony and Jimmy, to change my life. It took that long for me to explore all the other healing things and get to the point where I felt I was healthy and sound enough in mind, body and spirit, to undergo something of this magnitude. Heed that warning.

Now, for the first time ever, I feel free in my mind, and I know in my heart I’m the only one that can stop me. The only thing I need to do for the rest of my life is remember the joy of this experience and use that knowledge to get through any hard moments in life. It was joy that I was lacking, everything else I had.

I know I’ve found ‘my truth’ and I will continue to share this healing story with anyone who want to find theirs.

It’s opened a voice in me I didn’t know I had, to the point where my creative brain and my heart have brought to my attention my forgotten passion for Hip Hop music. I’ve listened to it since 1993, when I got my first mix tape, but stopped listening after losing my homie’s. I had gotten them into it, we loved it and Jimmy even became a rapper, with the stage name, Antekts. He has songs uploaded and I can still listen to him, so can you – Click Here.

Recently, I finished a book I had started before my Ayahuasca journey and the book has inspired me to write my first song. The young man in the book and my cousin Jim were both aspiring artists whose time was cut short, and I feel compelled to take the torch and be a voice for them. The way my brain works, it already has my stage name picked out, lyrics are forming and concerts have been booked in the future, because it knows I have an important message for you all.

You are your own salvation, and the education you need is sorely lacking. Only you can change your life. So, I intend to empower you to Change the Way your life is done through Mindset, Fitness and Nutrition by sharing experiences like this through music! My creativity is at an all-time high, my artistry is just taking form and I’m ready to make sweet, sweet music – Don’t die with your music still inside you, let that shit play!!!

Much Love <3

Be Well – John

Changing the way Life is done.

Mindset. Fitness. Nutrition.

P.S. Here are 4 more ways you can become happier and healthier:

1. Podcasts

Some of the greatest insights and healing for me, have come from listening to podcasts in the last few years. This long-form type of communication, I’ve found, has been extremely important for understanding context, while learning how to make sustainable change.

That’s why I have started to find ways to get our story on some podcasts, and give you an opportunity to really go deep with us, and see what we’re all about. That way, you can decide if this tribe fits your personality. Click the link below to go to our podcast page, where you can find all our episodes!

Click Here To LISTEN 

2. Rise 

Rise is the story of ‘never feeling powerful … to … never feeling powerless’. It’s about John Bair’s life, why he does what he does and how his suffering created happiness.

This handwritten book takes you through an intimate, yet, self-revealing journey, which allows you to implant yourself into the story, as it relates to your own, and reveal the steps you’ll need to take, in order to make change a successful reality.


Click Here To Get Your FREE Copy

3. Join our BADASS Community on Facebook

We want to work with and be around as many BADASS people as possible. Folks who might forget how BADASS they are and just need the space to remember.

So, we started a FREE group on Facebook called BADASS, which is our own private community where we go deeper into what we do at Bair Knuckle Strength.

The truth is, it makes the world a happier, safer, more enjoyable place when you love your BADASS self.

If you’re ready to see what we do, just CLICK HERE!

4. Fitness Scorecard

Have you gone through the Fitness Scorecard yet?

Confused where to start, or what to do next with your health and fitness journey?

Well, step 1 is to understand where you currently score across the 8 Fitness Indicators.

Start your journey toward your personal fitness breakthrough by completing your Fitness Scorecard Today: CLICK HERE

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