I’d like to Thank You for taking the time to read these posts and for being a valuable member of our growing BADASS Community!
This has been the BEST year of my life and I’d like to share with you (even though I said that last year!)
Many of you know about the darkness and tough circumstances I had to navigate as a child …
That’s not what this post is about.
I FAILED many times this year, and many things I wanted to do, or get done, did not happen.
However, I learned and can apply these failures to the new lessons of 2020.
In January, I started 2019 living in Center City Philadelphia with Jackie!
It’s been really awesome and a rewarding experience to live in a City, something I never thought I’d do. I also started the year by hiring a Life Coach for myself, to work through some sticky points and make this year the best yet.
In February and March I made a concerted effort to finish all my coursework and complete my Life Coaching Certification with Tony Robbins and his Robbins-Madanes Life Coaching Course!!!
I passed near the end of March and it was really exciting to be able to add this education to the toolbox.
In April, just after I finished my certification, I started to get my book ready to publish, got the cover designed and needed to work on some rewrites.
I spent the entirety of May finishing the details on the book and took a nice little vacation to Deerfield Beach Florida near the end of the month.
June took me back out to Chicago for my business mastermind and the Perform Better Summit, which was special, because that same meeting the year earlier is where I decided to write my book.
A year later, and I was able to take the first 20 copies of it to Chicago and hand it out to those who inspired me to write it in the first place!
July was awesome because I had my Book Signing at the end of of the month.
And August was a life-changer … that book I wrote the year before, was finally available for sale to the public and you can even get a complimentary copy – Click Here
In September, I took time to recover from the sprint of getting the book out and had some down time to reflect.
That set me up to have what I would call the best October I’ve had, since losing Tony on October 8th, 2007 and Jimbo on October 30th, 2008.
You see, I am always searching for and wanting to heal from any trauma or pain that might be holding me back from living my best life.
At the end of October, after many months of deliberation, I made the decision to undertake a healing Psychedelic Plant Medicine Ceremony with Ayahuasca.
November saw me grow in my business and spiritually because of the aforementioned plant medicine ceremony that I ended up undertaking on my 38th birthday, November 15th, 2019.
And I’ve spent the last 6 weeks since that ceremony processing everything I went through during the ceremony, and also during my life in totality.
You can read about that Psychedelic Experience by clicking here.
December was the best month $$$ wise in my business, for the last 2 years – what a way to close it out!
As I finish 2019 with one last post, I cannot tell you how excited I am for 2020, because I truly believe it will top 2019.
I have no doubt I will grow into the artist who tells the needed truth by making music the world needs to hear!
I hope this year will be your BEST yet!!!
Happy New Year!
Be Well – John
Changing the way Life is done.
Mindset. Fitness. Nutrition.
P.S. Here are 4 more ways you can become happier and healthier:
1. Podcasts
Some of the greatest insights and healing for me, have come from listening to podcasts in the last few years. This long-form type of communication, I’ve found, has been extremely important for understanding context, while learning how to make sustainable change.
That’s why I have started to find ways to get our story on some podcasts, and give you an opportunity to really go deep with us, and see what we’re all about. That way, you can decide if this tribe fits your personality. Click the link below to go to our podcast page, where you can find all our episodes!
2. Rise
Rise is the story of ‘never feeling powerful … to … never feeling powerless’. It’s about John Bair’s life, why he does what he does and how his suffering created happiness.
This handwritten book takes you through an intimate, yet, self-revealing journey, which allows you to implant yourself into the story, as it relates to your own, and reveal the steps you’ll need to take, in order to make change a successful reality.
Click Here To Get Your FREE Copy
3. Join our BADASS Community on Facebook
We want to work with and be around as many BADASS people as possible. Folks who might forget how BADASS they are and just need the space to remember.
So, we started a FREE group on Facebook called BADASS, which is our own private community where we go deeper into what we do at Bair Knuckle Strength.
The truth is, it makes the world a happier, safer, more enjoyable place when you love your BADASS self.
If you’re ready to see what we do, just CLICK HERE!
4. Fitness Scorecard
Have you gone through the Fitness Scorecard yet?
Confused where to start, or what to do next with your health and fitness journey?
Well, step 1 is to understand where you currently score across the 8 Fitness Indicators.
Start your journey toward your personal fitness breakthrough by completing your Fitness Scorecard Today: CLICK HERE