This time of the year has a way of reigniting hope.
For some, it offers the sentiment that we can start anew …
For others, it feels like you’re rewinding a VCR tape, and starting the same film … again.
That’s really where the difference lies.
In the stories we tell ourselves.
Every person has the same choice in how they look at their circumstances.
One person is ready to start another chapter.
While the other is sick of the ‘same chapter’.
When we were little, we had to make a key decision about who we were in life.
That decision wasn’t based in sound logic … it was based on how we got our needs met.
It is our ‘childhood programming’, which was installed by the age of 2, that runs 95 – 99% of your daily actions through your subconscious.
Most people are probably only conscious of a couple decisions a day, while the rest were decided by their 2 year old self.
If those ‘programmed’ decisions aren’t congruent with your adult model of the world, you’ll suffer, because you will feel powerless to change it.
What decisions did you make as a child … that AREN’T serving you as an adult?
- Maybe you decided that by eating more and getting bigger, nobody could hurt you.
- Maybe by eating more, you were showing yourself kindness through food, because it makes you feel better in the moment.
- Or, by not eating much at all, you were taking control of something in your life.
- Maybe, you were tired of abuse and rebelled against ‘the man’ with anger and violence.
- Maybe you accepted abuse, because it was the only way you felt loved, and were submissive.
- Maybe you had to get perfect grades and miss out on social life.
- Maybe you decided to be more masculine to climb the ladder … even though you’re a feminine soul.
- Maybe you were told being vulnerable and feminine, was wrong, and to not pursue those feelings, for fear of being weak
- Maybe you grew up well-to-do and were judged for your parents actions.
- Maybe you exercise and run because you’re addicted to burying your fears, not because it serves you.
- Maybe you were forced to think things that didn’t actually resonate with your own beliefs, and were berated otherwise.
- Maybe you grew up feeling like another person in your own skin, and were afraid to be you.
- Maybe you were told you’re not enough … and you believed it.
- Maybe you chose to hide your feelings, out of fear of authoritative abuse.
- Or maybe, you became exactly who they thought you were …but not who you wanted to be, or knew you were capable of becoming.
It isn’t until we become conscious of all decisions, that we can override non-serving thoughts, change the narrative, and live life on purpose, with purpose.
When you make the decisions that move you toward your model of the world, suffering stops and energy flows, because you discover you can change from feeling powerless … to powerful.
The one thing that drives change … is movement.
Movement in all things … your body included.
If you’re ready to feel powerful and make a change to Get Healthy, we have something for you.
We’re calling it: Project: Get Healthy
It’s a total immersion program where you get COMPLETE access to our entire schedule (Which is Updated – CLICK HERE)
If you’re ready to Get Healthy, please click below!
You’ll save $100 and get 2 free weeks if you do 😉
Be Well – John
Changing the way Life is done.
Mindset. Fitness. Nutrition.
P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you get happier and healthier:
1. Complimentary Fitness Pricing Guide
If you want to take the guess work out of finding the BEST facility for you, look no further than our Fitness Facility Pricing Guide.
We’ve done all the research for you, googled all the stuff and put it in one place. Yours FREE, when you click the link above, or … below.
If you’d like your copy, you can also: CLICK HERE
If you want to take the guess work out of eating healthy and leaving more time to enjoy life instead of spent in the kitchen, look no further than our Healthy Recipe Guide.
Instant access to over 100 healthy recipes. Your FREE, when you click the link above, or … below.
If you’d like your copy, you can also: CLICK HERE
3. The Healthy Movement Program
If you want to take the guess work out of moving healthy and leaving more time to enjoy life instead of spent in the tub soaking your aches, look no further than our Healthy Movement Program.
We were designed to move without pain, and be happy. Your FREE, when you click the link above, or … below.
If you’d like your copy, you can also: CLICK HERE